“Almost anyone can be an author; the business is to collect money and fame from this state of being.” A.A. Milne
It’s funny how often people ask, “Have you published a book yet?” when they hear I write for a living. One person imagined me writing away in my garret, starving. No, thanks. Instead, I publish articles every month – online, in magazines, in newspapers, and in companies’ internal communications. And I actually collect money for this. Milne’s quote is so right if you’re thinking of writing the Great American Novel. That’s a long-haul – it probably takes a year to write, then more time submitting to editors, and all with no guarantee of a “yes.” No wonder so many writers are turning to ePublishing.
I do have the book dream (and love Milne’s Winnie the Pooh books!) but, for now, non-fiction writing is a good state of being.