Tag Archives: Yahoo

Virginia Woolf

A Room of One’s Own

photo2“A woman must have money and a room of her own if she is to write fiction.”
Virginia Woolf

Yahoo CEO Marissa Mayer inadvertently sparked a national debate about work-at-home arrangements after her recent decision to end telecommuting at Yahoo.  Oddly, it’s not a debate I’m personally part of anymore, no longer being an employee or manager in the corporate world.  My home office is preferable now.  My work is flexible, family-friendly and devoid of time-wasters like donuts and office politics. Oh, it’s also exactly my style (see a corner of my office in the pic) and doesn’t have those weird fabric-covered cube walls.

Of course, some people aren’t cut out for the home office whether they’re self-employed or an employee.  But I don’t think Mayer’s move is the wave of the future.  It’s old fashioned.  I can be productive in a room of my own – no lanyard key card ID required.